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Donations may be made to Mikva the Musical under the non-profit aegis of Raise Your Spirits Theatre.


Please indicate in whose honor or memory you’d like to make your donation, and include their e-mail so we can let them know about your generosity and include it in our next playbill. Send this information to: and write: “Raise Your Spirits - Mikva” in the subject line.


Checks in Israeli shekels may be sent to: Raise Your Spirits Theatre, c/o Adv. Tamar Rubin, 7/2 Azza St. Jerusalem 9238104 earmarked: Raise Your Spirits - Mikva.


Amutat Raise Your Spirits Theatre (R.A.) is a registered non-profit organization, no. 580522233 and has a certificate in respect of donations in accordance with Clause 46 of the Income Tax Ordinance.


For a U.S. tax deduction for U.S. dollar checksplease send checks to

The Central Fund of Israel,

C/o Jmark Interiors Inc.
461 Central Avenue
Cedarhurst, NY 11516

Must be earmarked "Raise Your Spirits - Mikva"

Send an address for a receipt (if $250 or over). For checks under $250, the returned check is your receipt (as  per U.S. tax code).


Thank you!




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