Michele Gray Thaler, originally from Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, has dabbled in the performing arts since childhood, performing at Temple University and various community theaters. She came to Israel to study at Pardes, in Jerusalem, and went on to work at the Livnot U’Lehibanot program in Sfat.
She married and had four children before an epidural gone bad, with her fifth birth, left her paralyzed from the waist down. In spite of this, Michele gave birth to two more children, and went on to become an inspirational public speaker in both English and Hebrew, and to create a specialized dance troupe for women
that pairs wheelchair-bound women with standing partners,in which capacity she performed in 2018 in the Jerusalem Theater.
Michele spoke recently to 600 mikva attendants at a conference organized by the Eden Center. Her personal stories about going to the mikva as a disabled person have kept us in both tears and laughter throughout the rehearsal season. She lives in Neve Yaakov, Jerusalem.